Saturday, December 02, 2006

Eileen Ellen Guthrie: A Self Portrait On A Day Like This- PART ONE

December 2, 2006 and I’m sitting alone in my room, watching the snow fall outside. It’s early afternoon, and I have tons of tasks to accomplish but I need to write about one thing before my mind can ease into the rest of the day.
Maybe it’s a character flaw on my part, a misunderstanding so deep in the who I am of me, I will never be able to understand the reasons people treat me. Only I do understand, I just can’t assimilate a proper change in demeanor or action to make up for the little misunderstandings that shape me in the ‘other’s’ view. And as much as I convince myself that I do not care what every one else thinks, I do I really do, and certain people hold more importance than others, this is the most painful part.
Everyone has a self image and some are more accurate than others, I suppose mine is completely distorted.

UHG- To be continued…. I have to go to the library for a meeting.


I miss you my love.